Unfortunately, transmission problems are more common than you might expect. Often, this is a result of delays in recognizing early warning signs because the vehicle owner does not realize something might be wrong. Because a healthy transmission is essential to the life of your vehicle, it is vital that you keep up with your transmission’s maintenance and understand the warning signs of a failing transmission. Transmission repairs can also be confusing, so our team at Hogan’s Automotive has compiled a list of three essential things you need to know about transmission repair.

1. Replacing a Transmission Is Expensive
As mentioned above, when a vehicle owner fails to keep up with transmission maintenance, it can necessitate a full transmission replacement. As with any car part replacement, the cost of the repair will depend on the type of car; however, in the case of a transmission, it can end up costing you thousands of dollars to replace. Therefore, keeping up with your transmission’s maintenance schedule and routinely checking it for any issues will save you a lot of money in the long run.
2. You Should Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions
Did you know that your transmission fluid needs to be changed, just like your motor oil and brake fluid? Transmission fluid keeps the mechanical components of your transmission cool and lubricated; however, over time, small particles can collect and lead to wear and tear. Your transmission fluid doesn’t need changed as often as your oil, but it still can’t be ignored forever. Check your owner’s manual for how often you should change your transmission fluid. Most cars require that it be changed every 30,000 to 100,000 miles.
3. Know the Warning Signs
Finally, learn everything you can about the warning signs of a failing transmission, so your mechanic can catch the problem before it’s too late. A few common signs of a transmission include:
- Fluid level becoming too low – transmission fluid doesn’t burn off, so if the level is too low, there is most likely damage or a leak.
- Dark fluid – if the transmission fluid is abnormally dark in color and/or smells burnt, then there is an issue with the transmission.
- Unusual noise – if you notice an unusual noise or grinding sound when your car is in neutral or when you shift gears, there may be a lag between gears and the transmission may slide between gears while driving.
Don’t let your transmission fall into disrepair. Trust the experts at Hogan’s Automotive to provide complete and thorough engine services and transmission repairs in Edison, NJ, and the neighboring areas. Contact our friendly staff today at (732) 516-9100 or request an appointment online.