Full-Service Exhaust System Repairs
When you hear that all-too-familiar loud, rumbling noise from under your car, don’t hesitate to bring your vehicle to Hogan’s Automotive, the leading muffler shop in Highland Park, NJ. Our expert auto technicians can fix exhaust leaks, replace damaged mufflers, and complete exhaust systems. Call our friendly staff at (732) 662-7100 to request an appointment now.
Safety-Minded Muffler Maintenance
A poorly functioning exhaust system can be dangerous for the health and safety of you and your family. It can also cause negative effects such as rust and corrosion, a noticeable reduction in power, and a decrease in gas mileage. The capable technicians at Hogan’s Auto can repair all parts of a vehicle’s exhaust system, including the muffler. We take the time to check the entire area, from the exhaust pipe to the tail pipe and all elements in between. If leaks or other issues are found, we get to work quickly and efficiently in order to get you back on the road safely.
How Does the Exhaust System Work?
The main purpose of a vehicle’s exhaust system is to channel dangerous exhaust fumes away from the engine to the open air. A healthy and properly functioning exhaust system is better for your vehicle, your family, and yes, for the environment as well.
Our team applies in-depth methods to check for gas leaks, diagnose exhaust issues, and repair or replace damaged parts. Our technically trained mechanics inspect the following areas of your vehicle’s exhaust system:
- Exhaust manifold
- Oxygen sensor
- Exhaust pipe
- Catalytic converter
- Muffler
- Extension pipe
- Air injection tube
- Connecting pipe
- Resonator
Exhaust System Repair & Replacement
Does your exhaust system need repaired or completely replaced? We can help you achieve stronger engine power, reduce air pollutants, and reduce noise with an exhaust system that performs as it should. Our team of experienced welders can repair mufflers as well as complete exhaust systems for standard vehicles, classic cars, foreign vehicles, and 4x4s. We specialize in creating:
- Replacement exhaust systems
- Stainless steel mufflers
- Exhaust kits
- Exhaust accessories
Since 2003, Hogan’s Auto has been providing exhaust system repairs, complex AC repairs, and diagnosing technically advanced alignment issues. If your vehicle is experiencing any of these issues or others, contact us at (732) 662-7100 to request an appointment today. Free loaner cars are available while your vehicle is being serviced. We serve Highland Park, Metuchen, Woodbridge, and the surrounding areas.

Nationwide Parts & Labor Warranty on most service and repair work.
*Some exclusions may apply.